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CSInfo is a set of information incidental to the specific coordinate system.
It is primarily intended for OUTPUT_POINT coordinate systems, which should carry information on the connection parameters of the respective component.
The information stored in the CSInfo can be further used for the purposes of Smap3D Piping design checks, proper component placing (due to flow direction, etc.) and also for Smap3D Isometric and PCFExport (especially information on End Treatment and gender).
The information contained in the CSInfo is preferred
to those contained in the Piping stream of standard parts, and also to
the formerly used End Treatment suffixes within coordinate system names.
CSInfo is stored as a custom property value.
Such a property has the same name as the respective coordinate system (the formerly used suffixes for End Treatments are omitted) and a suffix of _CSInfo (e.g. OUTPUT_POINT_1_CSInfo).
CSInfo value is composed of individual parameters separated by the pipe | character.
Individual parameters are composed of identifiers (two-letter typically), a delimiter (equal sign = or collon :) and a value.
An order of the parameters is not significant. The CSInfo property value can look like this IO=1|GR=1|SN=2| ET=2|EC=BW|SZ=DN50.
The following paragraphs describe individual CSInfo parameters.
Defines whether the location of the coordinate
system is an input, output, or it is bidirectional.
gender of the respective component connection point.
Defines the coordinate system index (the order within the component). It can be used for correct coordinate system recognition in a component with more coordinate systems.
Defines the End Treatment of the respective connection point. It
is used by Piping
QuickPlace methods
for automatic pipeline
Defines the End Treatment of the respective connection point.
parameter serves for the correct End Treatment recognition in Smap3D
Isometric and PCFExport
does not use it in any way).
When the
EC parameter is not set Smap3D
can use the ET parameter instead if available.
Defines the connection point size (diameter typically).
Defines the component's wall thickness at the respective connection point (coordinate system location).
The value entered here is automatically written to the CSInfo property for the respective connection point if they are accepted correctly. This parameter together with Outer Diameter is used to calculate welds between components in Smap3D Isometric.
Defines the component's outer diameter at the respective connection point (coordinate system location).
The value entered here is automatically written to the CSInfo property for the respective connection point if they are accepted correctly. This parameter together with Wall Thickness is used to calculate welds between components in Smap3D Isometric.
Custom parameters with string values can also be part of CSInfo.
Corresponding values are required for the correct definition of the Quick Place Custom Gasket method.