Coordinate Systems (and Axes)

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The Smap3D Plant Design applications can use information given by the location and designation of coordinate systems and axes within the pipeline components of piping assemblies.


This topic provides a list and description of the supported coordinate systems.

Let us mention in advance, that the OUTPUT_POINT/INPUT_POINT coordinate systems (and OUTPUT_AXIS axes) are required for the proper use of components by Smap3D Piping, while the rest serve more or less for the purposes of Smap3D Isometric and PCFExport.

All the coordinate systems described below can be indexed, i.e. an index (integer value is recommended) can be added to the coordinate system name. The name and index should be separated with underscore (e.g. OUTPUT_POINT_1).



An existence of the pair of OUTPUT_POINT and INPUT_POINT coordinate systems on each component connection point is a necessary condition for the component to be used by Smap3D Piping.

For the proper function, the x-axis of the OUTPUT_POINT must point out of the component while the INPUT_POINT x-axis must point into the component.

The origins of these coordinate system within one pair must be identical. An OUTPUT_POINT and the corresponding INPUT_POINT must have the same index.


Together with the OUTPUT_POINT/INPUT_POINT pairs of coordinate systems, the components must also contain axes.

Each axis must be coincident with the x-axis of the corresponding OUTPUT_POINT coordinate system.

The names of the axes must be also derived from the corresponding coordinate systems - OUTPUT must be replaced with AXIS and eventual index must be preserved; e.g. for the coordinate system of OUTPUT_POINT_1 there must exist an OUTPUT_AXIS_1.


Smap3D Isometric and PCFExport obtains from the OUTPUT_POINT/INPUT_POINTs the information on the component positions.

For the OUTPUT_POINT coordinate systems, CSInfo can be specified.



For the needs of Smap3D Isometric and PCFExport, this coordinate system should be included especially within asymmetrical components.

Symmetrical components does not require such a coordinate system since the centre point can be computed correctly from the positions of its OUTPUT_POINTs.



This coordinate system has no hard-coded usage, but since it can be recognized by Smap3D Isometric or PCFExport (in case it is positioned on a pipeline path or included in a component recognized in an other way) it can be further processed (e.g. renamed or mapped to some PCF data).

For the NOZZLE_POINT coordinate systems, CSInfo can be specified.



In combination with proper custom properties (and their values) the CO_ORDS coordinate system can represent various components and special elements such as supports, split points, etc.

This coordinate system can be recognized by Smap3D Isometric or PCFExport in case it is positioned on a pipeline path or when it is included in a component recognized by another coordinate system positioned on a pipeline path.

For the CO_ORDS coordinate systems, CSInfo can be specified.



This coordinate system should be part of valve components.

The direction of the valve's spindle in isometric drawings is defined by the oriented line connecting the valve's centre point and the SPINDLE_DIRECTION coordinate system.

The x-axis of the SPINDLE_DIRECTION coordinate system should point in the desired spindle direction.



This coordinate system should be part of support components (supports, holders, etc.).

The direction of a support within isometric drawings is defined by the position of its SUPPORT_DIRECTION relative to the respective CO_ORDS coordinate system.

The spatial orientation (rotation) of the SUPPORT_DIRECTION coordinate system has no effect.



For the needs of Smap3D Isometric and PCFExport, this coordinate system should be part of finishing components such as blind flange, cap, etc.

The base point of the TAPPING_POINT coordinate system should be positioned at the end of the component's 3D geometry, opposite to the OUTPUT_POINT and on the axis defined by the x-axis of the OUTPUT_POINT.

Its orientation is arbitrary. The distance between the OUTPUT_POINT and TAPPING_POINT then defines the thickness of the component.

Both spellings TAPPING_POINT and TAPING_POINT are acceptable.



The SPLIT_POINT coordinate system should only be part of a special component (typically, without any 3D volume), which is intended to define a position for splitting the future isometric drawings (created from the piping assemblies where the component is placed).

For the proper function, the base point of the SPLIT_POINT coordinate system must be placed on a pipeline path between components (not inside them!).

The splitting component file must also have the ComponentType custom property with the value of ISO_SPLIT_POINT.



The FLOW_DIRECTION coordinate system, if exists on a pipeline, sets the flow direction for the particular pipeline.

For proper working, the coordinate system must be created on the pipeline assembly level.

The base point of the coordinate system must be positioned on the respective pipeline path, its x-axis must be identical with the pipeline path. The x-axis direction of the coordinate system then determines the flow direction.


Although the flow direction can be set manually via Coordinate System Wizard, the preferred methods are to set it via assigning pipelines to lines in P&ID, which have flow direction set, or to set the flow direction directly via Smap3D Piping.

When creating this coordinate system using Coordinate System Wizard (or even manually in the CAD application), make sure there is just one FLOW_DIRECTION coordinate system on the respective pipeline path.



This coordinate system should be part of spectacle blind flange components.

The oriented line connecting the centre point of the component and the SLIP_PLATE_TAIL_DIRECTION coordinate system's origin defines the direction of the remaining (not used) part of the component (blind or through opening) in isometric drawings.

The spatial orientation (rotation) of the SLIP_PLATE_TAIL_DIRECTION coordinate system has no effect.



This coordinate system should be part of instrument components (flowmeters, etc.).

The oriented line connecting the instrument's centre point and the WINDOW_DIRECTION coordinate system's origin defines the direction of the instrument's dial (or display, etc.) in isometric drawings.

The spatial orientation (rotation) of the WINDOW_DIRECTION coordinate system has no effect.