To-Do List Overview

The integrated To-Do List functionality is a connection between Smap3D P&ID and Smap3D Piping (both must be installed on the respective computer and properly licensed).


Generally, in a P&ID (Piping & Instrumentation Diagram) the process engineering for a plant is made.

The geometry within P&ID is simplified to symbols and lines, and thus it cannot be used for creating 3D pipeline geometry.

However, the attributes of those symbols and lines, defined within P&ID by a process engineer, can be used via To-Do List to support and control the creation of 3D pipelines.


In addition to the Smap3D P&ID projects, To-Do List can also process P&ID's in form of xml files. For the detailed information about processing these xml files (and their format), please contact Smap3D sales.



This article describes some of the terms used in following topics.

Inner/Outer equipment

Usually, P&ID distinguishes outer and inner equipment.


The To-Do List obtains the information on component type (inner/outer) from Smap3D P&ID.

It can be set there via the Inner equipment which is available in the general section of the Component Data of the selected component.


The behavior of To-Do List is specific for inner and outer equipment in some respects.

Outer equipment can be easily identified in pipeline or component view by the blue sphere icon attribute and italic font.


Object group

The Smap3D P&ID feature Object group can be used within the To-Do List for the following purposes:

It is possible to display the object group information as a property (see Display Configuration).
Once the object group is displayed, it is written by the assigning process (see Assigning Pipelines and Assigning Components) as a virtual characteristic.
That is why the information can be available later when processing the assembly by
Smap3D Isometric.


The object group information can be also used for filtering and grouping within the To-Do List tree view.

If allowed in the To-Do List options, Object groups can be also used as a support mechanism for P&ID analysis tools.

This is particularly useful in cases when a P&ID (or its part) has no unambiguous pipeline representation. In such cases it is possible to set object groups so that these uniquely specify resulting pipelines (example).

Object groups can also solve situations when there are three (or more) symbols of inner equipment connected directly in P&ID.

Due to the uniqueness of pipeline names, the pipelines specified by object groups are given a suffix in the form of the respective object group IDs (Smap3D P&ID internal identifier of object groups).


Pipeline (unassigned / assigned )

From the To-Do List point of view, a pipeline is a line or more frequently a set of connected lines (in P&ID) with the same name (line number) and size.

It can be unassigned or assigned to an existing pipeline path in Smap3D Piping.


Within the pipeline view of To-Do List, pipeline symbols can also have the following attributes:

 the pipeline has defined a flow direction.


the pipeline is insulated. For assigned pipelines with this attribute, the Generate insulation can be run directly from P&ID To-Do List.


If the filter pages is not checked in the To-Do List Options, the pipeline which goes through more than one project page is displayed only once in the To-Do List.



A multi-pipeline is a node including generally pipelines with the same name.

These could be not connected pipelines with the same name (line number) and size or connected pipelines with the same name (line number) differing in size.


Component (unassigned / assigned )

A component is an equipment of a pipeline represented in P&ID with a symbol.

A component can be unassigned or assigned to an occurrence in CAD.


Reducer (unassigned / assigned )

A reducer (or generally, a concentric component) is a special kind of component.

The respective symbol in P&ID has the Symbol type attribute with the value of Reduction.


If a reducer is part of an assigned pipeline, its CAD equivalent can be placed to the respective assembly using Place one concentric reducer .

The command is available in the To-Do List context menu displayed for an unassigned reducer in case the reducer connects two pipelines, of which just one is assigned.


Connection point

A connection point in To-Do List is an image of a connection point on a symbol (in P&ID) where a line or another symbol can be connected.


Out-of-date component/pipeline

Marked as Out-of-date is a component or pipeline which has already been assigned to a CAD equivalent, but it has been later edited in P&ID.


Deleted component/pipeline

Marked as deleted is a component or pipeline which has already been assigned to a CAD equivalent, but it has been later deleted from P&ID.

Deleted items are displayed in the bottom of the appropriate view. Deleted components are displayed in the component view only while deleted pipelines are available only in pipeline view.


Top-level assembly

Typically, it is the assembly where the information on assigned Smap3D P&ID project and other assignments (3D occurrences to symbols and pipeline paths to pipelines) are stored.

This assembly should contain individual piping subassemblies (see below).

In general, a P&ID project can be assigned to any individual assembly.


Piping subassembly

It is a subassembly of the top-level assembly.

Typically, subassemblies correspond to individual pipelines or multi-pipelines.


It is recommended that for every single line number (name of a line in the Smap3D P&ID project) one piping subassembly is created in the top-level assembly.

For the proper Smap3D Piping To-Do List operation, in the case the P&ID project is assigned to the top-level assembly, a piping subassembly should always be opened in edit mode (within the top-level assembly).


To-Do List Layout

Pipelines and components (including respective connection points) are displayed in To-Do List in the form of a tree view.

More precisely, every pipeline and every component is displayed as a root node with its own structure.


As an extension to the basic structure of pipelines and components, To-Do List can also contain a superior structure of groups (can be defined in the To-Do List options).

Group in this context means a set of the To-Do List items which have the same value of the respective property.


The property value is also displayed as name of the group. In addition to names, for each group a status is displayed as well:

 all assigned - all the pipelines and components within the group are assigned to pipeline paths and fittings in CAD.

 something left to assign - some of the pipelines or components are not assigned to appropriate CAD items yet or there is a pipeline or component with out-of-date status.


If some items are selected in the To-Do List, the respective objects are selected automatically in the Smap3D P&ID project and also in CAD where it applies for assigned items only.

The respective properties for the selected items are displayed in the properties table below the tree view.

The display of the properties can be modified in the To-Do List options, while the eventual symbol data (those with values) are always displayed.


When there is a connected connection point selected in the tree view, the one which is connected with item is displayed in the properties table.

It indicates the component/pipeline which is the point connected to.