Generating Insulations

Insulations can be generated on generated pipelines.

The necessary condition is that the used pipe specification must support insulations.


It can be set in the Insulations section of Pipe Specification Editor.

This is also where the insulation parameters - Outer diameter, Wall thickness, Bend radius and Color - can be set.

In the Overlay column of the Content section of Pipe Specification Editor it is possible to select the components which should be overlaid with insulation.


How to generate insulations

Select one or more pipeline paths, where a pipeline is generated and where you want to generate insulation, and launch the Generate insulation Click to expand

The selected pipeline must be generated using a pipe specification which supports insulations.


In the appearing dialog, select the required insulation type, set eventual parameters (check the details below), and select Generate.




We recommend going through this process only when no further changes on the selected pipeline are necessary.


If an insulation is generated between segments it is possible to launch Generate insulation repeatedly over such a pipeline.


In case the insulation is not defined unambiguously within the respective pipe specification, the Insulation dialog will appear prompting you to select the required insulation parameters.