To-Do List Common Way of Use

This article describes a recommended sequence of processes to utilize To-Do List efficiently.

Preliminary steps

Before starting creating pipelines themselves following steps should be performed:


  1. Pipe specification adjustment (P&ID ID)
    First of all it is useful to have values of P&ID ID set in the pipe specifications that are supposed to be used. It is usable not only for automatic fitting placement from To-Do List (see Placing Fittings to CAD for details) but also for creating schemes in Smap3D P&ID (Place from specifications) controlled from the existing pipe specifications definitions.
  2. Creating final P&ID
    For smooth creation of 3D pipelines it is profitable to have final P&ID created first.

Main workflow

If the pipe specifications and P&ID are ready, the 3D pipelines in CAD should be created as follows: