Using Signal Points

To get better oriented, To-Do List provides some functions showing representation of significant P&ID connection points in 3D assembly.

While Smap3D P&ID automatically highlights symbols and connection points when selected in To-Do List, in a 3D assembly and in Smap3D Piping tree view, only assigned components are highlighted.


Positions of the significant points can be shown by displaying red spheres.

These can only be displayed correctly when the names of symbol connection points correspond with indexes of OUTPUT_POINT coordinate systems of the 3D components (e.g. for connection point 2 of a valve symbol there should be corresponding coordinate system OUTPUT_POINT_2, and conversely).


Signal points are only auxiliary occurrences and should not appear in resulting 3D assemblies, there has been some automation applied to remove them.


Signal points can be in 3D assembly shown/hidden using commands described below.


Show/Hide point

Individual connection points can be shown/hidden using Show/Hide point from context menu.

To do so, just select (double-click) the desired connection point (or display context menu for a connection point by clicking right mouse button and run appropriate command).


Show from/to points

Show from/to points is available for pipelines only. It displays (as red spheres) connection points of inner equipment components (assigned only) where the 3D representation of the selected pipeline should begin/end.

It could be helpful for designing a path for future pipeline path.


While the connection points displaying is based on the coordinate systems of the Piping Components, the connections (T-connections, etc.) of pipeline paths are not displayed.

If an inner equipment component on a pipeline beginning/end is not assigned but is connected to an assigned outer equipment component, their common connection point will be displayed.


Hide all signal points

Hide all signal points serves to hide (occurrences are not removed) all the red spheres displayed previously using the commands described above.