Finishing Components

The following requirements apply to finishing components, i.e. components which are meant to be built at the ends of pipelines.

Finishing components are components such as blind flanges, caps, spool flanges, etc.

Only the side where the pipe should end needs an INPUT_POINT, an OUTPUT_POINT and an OUTPUT_AXIS.


If such a component is built into a pipeline, a pipe will not be separated to create two pieces of pipe: instead the pipe is cut and closes at the point of this finishing component.

The spool flange has higher priority for placing then other end components.




To use such components also for a later isometric drawing generation in Smap3D Isometric it is advisable to define one additional coordinate system.

This additional coordinate system is required to recognize the thickness of this component in Smap3D Isometric.

The name must be TAPING_POINT_1 or TAPPING_POINT_1.

The geometric position must be at the end of the 3D geometry opposite the OUTPUT_POINT.




A blind flange has only one side where the pipe connects.
This component has only one input and one output option.

This is the only side which needs to be given an INPUT_POINT, an OUTPUT_POINT and an OUTPUT_AXIS.


The x-axis of each coordinate system must always point in the direction of the input or output.

For the detailed information about coordinate systems and axes see the Definitions chapter of this help.

The proper coordinate systems and axes as well as the CSInfo can be created easily using Coordinate System Wizard.