Placing Component Pattern

Place component pattern serves to arrange occurrences of a specified component (defined as Support in pipe specification) along a selected pipeline.


For proper function, support components should contain a coordinate system named CO_ORDS_[INDEX] (index is optional) whose x-axis should point in the direction of supported pipe/pipeline and an axis named CO_ORDS_AXIS_[INDEX] (index must be the same as for the coordinate system).

The axis must be coincident with the coordinate system x-axis.

If there are more indexed CO_ORDS coordinate systems, the first in alphabetical order is used.

How to place a component pattern

Select the pipeline path of the pipeline you want to place the components along and run the Place component pattern command from the context menu. Click to expand


In the Distance dialog select the distance from the selected end of the pipeline which determines also the distance between individual components.

The selected end is marked with a red sphere.

To start placing the components from the other end, select Swap start/end.


The components geometry is not taken into account. The only point for measuring the distance between the components (and from the pipeline end) is the origin of the CO_ORDS coordinate system.


Select OK to place the components.