Special Components

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This topic introduces several components which can be placed into the pipeline path to make special records to the resulting PCF file.

Those components usually does not have any physical body in 3D CAD representation, but should contain specific coordinate systems and file properties.


Split Point

The split point CAD representation can be based on either CO_ORDS or SPLIT_POINT coordinate system as follows.



For proper function split point must be placed between components (or pipes) not inside them!



Location Point

Such a component should contain:




A nozzle symbol is typically put on pipeline ends and should contain an information on connecting to other plant or pipeline.

Nozzle component should contain:



Flow Arrow

To put a flow direction into the resulting PCF file a flow arrow component can be placed to a pipeline and fulfill following criteria:




A floor entry serves to specify a point where a pipeline goes through a floor.

Its CAD representation should contain:




To specify a point where a pipeline goes through a wall a special component should be placed in source CAD assembly.

It should contain:



Insulation Symbol

To specify an insulation symbol in the resulting PCF file a special component should be placed to the source CAD assembly.

It should contain: