The Spool Analyzer is a special usage mode of the Smap3D Isometric application and can only work in 3D assemblies that contain pipelines created with Smap3D Piping .
The Spool Analyzer analyzes the active pipeline assembly (based on the settings of Smap3D Isometric) and transmits this information via PCF-file to the ISOGEN©. Based on a Spool Analyzer spool style, ISOGEN© evaluates them and returns the spool allocation/compilation information back to the Spool Analyzer. The Spool Analyzer then creates corresponding display groups in the CAD structure tree based on this information.
A result is one (or more) display group(s) for a spool, with the defined spool numbering from the Spool Analyzer spool style. Parts that do not belong to any spool are moved to a group with the name Erection. The Spool Analyzer is a function that automatically transfers information about spools from ISOGEN© back into the CAD environment to make them visible as display groups in the CAD structure tree.