Refreshing Pipelines

Refresh pipeline modifies existing pipes in length according to the current length of the respective segments, and also adds new pipes to empty segments (i.e. those without a pipe).


On the other hand, Refresh pipeline does not add any new fittings.


The refresh pipeline function is used by the following Piping commands.


The Refresh command refreshes the pipeline path(s) currently selected within the active assembly.


Refresh all

The Refresh all command refreshes all pipelines within the active assembly.


Refresh all subassemblies

Using this command it is possible to refresh all pipelines within the active assembly and also pipelines within its Piping subassemblies at once. Refresh updates the subassembly structure so the no longer existing assemblies are deleted.

When the command is started, the user can select the assemblies to be refreshed.


Update All Custom Occurrence Properties updates component reference in selected sub assemblies.


Refresh List of All Piping Subassemblies is accessible from the dialogs of the Refresh All Subassemblies and Switch All to Detail Engineering functions.

This function updates the list of subassemblies.


After changing data (e.g. renaming or duplicating a pipeline assembly) use Refresh List of All Piping Subassemblies to update the list of piping assemblies before executing the Refresh All Subassemblies or Switch All to Detail Engineering functions.



Piping subassembly means an assembly which was edited in the context of the main assembly and modified by Piping.



Switch all to detail engineering

Switch All to Detail Engineering switches from basic to detail engineering mode for multiple pipeline assemblies at the same time.

After starting this function in the top assembly level, the corresponding selection dialog is displayed where all the subassemblies declared as pipeline assemblies are listed. After selecting OK, the automatic switching from basic to detail engineering mode starts.

Then a corresponding report window is displayed. Listed entries need to be corrected accordingly.


Any problems and error messages that may occur during switching and detailed generation of the individual pipelines are collected by the program.


See also:

Refreshing a Region