Creating New Pipe Specifications

The following article describes the typical procedure of creating new pipe specification and also several tips to do so effectively.

How to create new pipe specification

  1. Select New from the File menu (or use the CTRL+N shortcut).

  2. In the Pipe Specification Columns dialog, select one size parameter (on the left) and required non-size parameters (on the right). The order of the non-size parameters can be modified using the arrow buttons.

  3. Specify the piping components in the Content section.
    Select Add new row to add a new row.
    To do so in a quick and efficient way, you can use the following tips:


  1. Set also the Header parameters of the pipe specification, Options, Insulations, and Virtual characteristics (if required).

  1. Enter a Pipe Specification Name (it should describe the given pipe specification and should be unique) and Pipe Specification ID, which must be unique. Pipe specifications in version 10 (and above) are identified by their IDs. The main purpose of pipe specification names is the text information (for users). Pipe specification name is used for the pipe specification identification only in case, when the matching ID cannot be found.

  2. Save the pipe specification using Save or Save and close. In the Save As dialog, which appears, you can set a name for the pipe specification file (if you want to have it different from the pipe specification name) and its location (if you want to store it somewhere other than the Pipe specifications folder).


During the save operation, the pipe specification is checked for non-unique entries and existence of individual components within the database (or other storage) of the current standard parts provider.


For each value of the size parameter used within the pipe specification content, a pipe component should be defined. Pipe component means a component with a key name which has set the Is Pipe attribute (typically Pipe and Shape pipe).


If it is required to only have generated parts within the pipe specification, Generate parts from the Pipe Specification menu should be run. Please note that generating bigger amount of parts may be time-consuming.