I-Configure Settings

This topic describes some I-Configure settings and hints which could help you to adjust your drawing styles to best fit your needs.

DXF Template

The DXF file used as a template for Isometric drawing has to be of version R12 and have properly defined coordinates and dimensions (beginning, size).


Slope (Fall) Displaying

A pipeline that is falling can be displayed in isometric drawing in two different ways.

Which one to use is determined by a threshold value set by the FallCutOff parameter (Drawing/Format).


If the slope is less steep than the threshold, the fall is displayed just using a triangle symbol with a value.

If the slope is steeper it is emphasize with hatching.

Vertical and horizontal dimensions are displayed for such a pipeline segment.


A format of the slope value can be set using the FallRepresentation parameter (Drawing/Format).


Symbol Size

Symbol size in isometric drawing is controlled by values of DScale (Drawing/Definitions/Definitions).


Suppress North Direction Arrow

In case there is a drawing style intended to not display geometry but just e.g. a bill of material, the user may require not to display the north direction arrow.

This can be achieved by setting the value of zero for the CharHeight, XPos, and YPos parameters of the NORTH-ARROW-POSITION attribute (DrawingFrame/Attributes/DFAttributes).


How to create report

  1. Create or select a project in I-Configure (project can be created only after an Isometric directory is created).
  2. Select a style and select Edit, the ISOGEN Configuration window will pop up.
  3. Choose what should the desired report contain: Materials , Welds and Joints, Spools, Cut Pieces or select Reports in Drawing manager to manage all possible reports. After you choose, select Reports.
  4. Choose a Report Location (usually a file where your style is stored).
  5. Select attributes in the Reports panel and select Save.


If you want to go back to default, there is pre-defined report in Final-Basic style.